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The Outside Silicon Valley Job Board

Non-Technical Startup Job Openings Across the Country

Is Your Company Hiring?

Are You Looking for a Job?


Why does this exist?

It's way harder to find a job in pre-Series B non-coastal tech than you think if you aren't a computer scientist, data scientist, or engineer.Employees want to join and help grow early stage companies. These are the growth hackers, the business developers, the operational process creators, the accounting policy maintainers, the new sales hire trainers.The recent unemployment situation with regards to COVID-19 got us thinking more about this problem. This is our response.

What type of jobs are included here?

We focus exclusively on "non-technical" jobs on this job board. To simplify that, we focus on tech jobs that don't require a strong programming background.This may include something as close to engineering as a product manager or as far away as an administrative assistant. The coastal-focused startup job boards tend to focus heavily on programming talent, lumping the rest of the business into "operations."Great companies need more than great engineers. We hope you find some great opportunities and employees here.

What if I am looking for a technical role?

If you are a company looking for a technical hire, there are dozens of better resources than our job board. We recommend Integrity Power Search, Powderkeg, or a specialized recruiter. Technical talent is highly competitive outside of Silicon Valley. Relationship-based recruiting is generally a better strategy in that environment.If you are a potential technical hire, you might be better submitting your information to those same sources or apply to jobs on LinkedIn, WeWorkRemotely, or even AngelList. Check out this page dedicated to talent match-making resources! That being said, we highly encourage browsing this site to see the breadth and depth of early stage companies outside of Silicon Valley. If there is a company that is particularly interesting, reach out directly!

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The Outside Silicon Valley Job Board

for employers seeking non-technical talent



How much does this cost and what does it get me?

There is a community of individuals looking for non-technical tech jobs outside of Silicon Valley. We will charge $100 per 90-day listing to companies to find those individuals. However, fee is waived for all Companies through July 30, 2020 in light of the COVID-19 situation.Also, if you purchase any job listing, you will receive a optional yet complimentary Dream Job opening. Dream Job openings allow potential employees to pitch you on something they are passionate about and how they believe they could directly impact your Company. These openings don't expire every 90-days, and are generally reviewed for activity every year or two.In the spirit of full-disclosure, companies that have been featured on the upside podcast will not have to pay job posting fees even after the COVID-19 waived period.

What is a 90-day listing?

While we review new listings constantly, we only de-list at the end of every month. We do this to keep the job board relevant and clean.By way of example, if you purchased a job posting on March 15, you would actually get 105 days of posting time as we would not de-list your posting until June 30.If you would like a hosting de-listed sooner, contact [email protected] and request a premature de-listing

What do you need from me to post?

First, you will have to pay! The price is $100 per listing. Then, you will receive a form from us to be completed. Upon completion, your post will be live (subject to our review and removal for posting against job board rules).You can pay for any number of listings at one time, and your "credits" will be used as you go. The 90-day period does not begin upon payment. Instead, each post is subject to its own 90-day period.For example, if you pay for 10 openings and only post 4 immediately and post the remaining 6 in two months, we will de-list the 4 approximately 2 months before we de-list the remaining 6.Our payment processor is Stripe.

<-- back to the job board

The Outside Silicon Valley Job Board

for prospective non-technical hires


How do I apply to jobs?

Let's get one thing out of the way up front. This page is not where you go to apply to specific job listings. If you are looking for specific openings, go back to the job board and click on the respective Link to Apply link

What's the point of the form on this page?

Because we run a podcast about startups outside of Silicon Valley, we have developed a community around the country. While we can't promise anything, we can try to point you in the right direction so submitting that form does two things.First, your submission will be beamed to some of the premier match-making services outside of the coasts.Second, you will join the upside mailing list which announces episode releases and other interesting content for those looking to better understand startups outside of Silicon Valley.

What's a "Dream Job" role?

Every company that posts a job opening to the OSV job board is entitled to one free "Dream Job" opening. These openings don't expire.Startups are looking for talents and passionate people. Sometimes job listings just aren't that.Dream Job posts allow you to pitch a company on any job that you would love to do for them.The best Dream Job pitches are hyper-specific to the company you are applying to.